Market Sq. Amesbury in the fall! 12 x 24”, oil, Richard Burke Jones
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On a chilly Friday afternoon (11/5/21) I set up in Market Sq Amesbury MA to attempt to capture the late afternoon light with the fall colors, the gnarly trees, the red brick and the stark white of the Market St Church. Ironically as I attempted to position myself outside of the institution known as Ben’s which sells fire and police clothing, the fire alarm went off and I was joined by two fire apparatus and one ambulance. A perfect beginning!
Many friendly encounters ensued. Much advice and encouragement given and the afternoon flew by. The light moved rapidly and intensified as the day came to an end. Ristorante Molise and BankProv in the middle ground make for an interesting look.
Finished the painting Saturday afternoon meeting some very nice people along the way. “Sir, I REALLY …. like your painting!” I don’t know whom he was but it made a big impression on me. The best part was a visit from daughter Elizabeth and her dog Roo (of Roo's Recycled Candles fame) and they ended up in the foreground.... 10% Cash/Check discount by emailing or text 978.992.1253
12 x 24”, oil, Richard Burke Jones